
Ethyl Acetate
  • Product standards

    GB/T 3728-2007

  • Package

    In bulk, transported in tank truck or packaged insteel drums.

Technical requirement

Test itemsTechnical indicators
Appearance transparent liquid with no suspended impurities
Ethyl acetate,w/%                 ≥99.7
ethanol,w/%                 ≥0.10
Acidity (as acetic acid),w/%     ≤0.004
Chromaticity/Hazen Unit (Pt-Co color scale)            ≤10
Density (ρ)/(g/cm3)       0.897-0.902

Use to

1. Industrial solvent: it is used for coatings,adhesives, ethyl cellulose, artificial leather, linoleum colorants, artificialfibers and other products.

2. Adhesive: it is used for the production ofprinting ink and artificial pearls. As an extraction agent, it is used for theproduction of pharmaceuticals, organic acid and other products.

3. Raw material for spice: it is the main rawmaterial for pineapple, banana, strawberry and other fruit essence and whiskey,cream and other spices. It can be used for the production of spice, blending spiceand artificial essence for liquor.

4. Extractant: It can extract many compounds(phosphorus, tungsten, arsenic, cobalt) from aqueous solutions.

5. Organic solvent: it can be used as a referencesubstance for calibrating thermometers when separating sugars.

6. It can also be used as a cleaning agent for thetextile industry and an extractant for natural spicery, and is an important rawmaterial for the pharmaceutical industry and organic synthesis.

7. It is an edible spice that is accepted accordingto GB2760-2014 and is mainly used for flavoring, persimmon deastringency,making granules or tablets of spicery, and brewing vinegar ingredients.